Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tennis Shoes - A Coming of Age Story

"Tennis Shoes"
9 x 12
Oil on Raymar Panel


The story of this painting was inspired by my neighbor.  Her daughter is an avid athlete and loves to wear her tennis shoes and play basketball and baseball among other sports.  When I asked her to model for me...I could sense the dread.  She had to put on a dress!  The horror of it all!  She, of course, looked adorable...but prefers her shorts, a tee shirt and her tennis shoes.  So the story of this piece is a coming of age.  A young girl dressed up to go out but longing for the comfort and simplicity of her sports wear as she gazes longingly at her tennis shoes.  


  1. A beautiful post and lovely painting, Maria!!!!

  2. Oh Maria, Having raised a daughter I've seen this girl a million times.
    You've certainly captured the gesture.
    Nice one Maria.


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