"Thank You For Your Service"
16 x 20
Oil on Raymar panel
I have been working on this painting...this concept for about 9 months now. I have changed so many things about it. First I had the World War II vet very gray and actually blending into the gray background. I liked the look...but it didn't say what I wanted it to say. It gave more importance to the younger service member. The painting is about the World War II vet....about his story. It is about thanking him and all the veterans for their service.
The concept was conceived when I visited the World War II memorial and saw the World War II vets brought in and taken care of by the Honor Flight program. Honor Flight is a program that flies these veterans in to Washington DC and takes them to the see the World War II memorial. It is a great program. While at the memorial they are given ceremonies to celebrate their service and they are entertained by wonderful swing dancers who not only dance for them but also dance with them. It is a very moving sight to see the vets remembering their hey-day! Good times! I walk by the monument as often as I can to see the joy and to remember the sacrifice.
I am not totally pleased with this piece but have decided it is done and I have to move on. I will choose another setting from the World War II memorial and paint another tribute. The next one will be better. Maybe none of my paintings will be good enough to express my appreciation for their service...their sacrifice...but I will keep trying.
My father in law came into town once for the honor flight ceremonies at the memorial. It is a great program! You are doing great with your heroes series Maria! Don't know how you do it, with all you have going on these days! :)