Monday, November 24, 2014

Which Holiday is This?

Which Holiday is This?
8 x 16
Oil on Raymar Panel

Sometimes I think I am funny.  

I wanted to paint a line of children waiting to talk to Santa.  We see these lines at the mall all the time.  In the Washington DC area we are fortunate to have such a great Santa at our local mall...the kids love him.  

While I was painting and trying hard not to post any Christmas paintings before mind started wandering.  The holidays...Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to all get mushed together.  If we, as adults, get can imagine how a child must feel.

I painted and as I was setting the last figure in line a cape appeared!  It just happened.  Then I thought it was amusing so I kept on.  As I painted I thought about how many parents have a child like this.  How many artists feel like this...playing the the tune of a different drummer.  When everyone else goes one way you choose another path.  That is the story of my life...

It has been said that whenever you paint you leave a bit of yourself in each piece.  I know who I am in this line of children waiting to see Santa...

1 comment:

  1. You've got to be the little girl in the front, looking with hope at Santa!


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