Leslie Saeta
6 x 6
Oil on Raymar Panel
Leslie is host of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. It has been an awesome month full of wonderful artwork, camaraderie and encouragement. I was amazed at the number of people that kept up with the challenge and posted daily. I was also amazed that I could not find a picture of Leslie without her teeth showing!!! That woman smiles all the time...not a bad thing unless you want to paint her!
Crystal Cook posted a blog about her musings on the 30 in 30 challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta.
"Recognize that this challenge is more about the journey than the destination."
While it was fun to get to know new artists and share the daily painting with them...my biggest joy was just painting.
I decided to do artists portraits. I wrote to numerous artists and asked for pictures that I could use for this project. I knew it would be a big challenge...but I didn't realize that posting the images to my facebook page and blog would be so stressful. People often see themselves in a different light and posting what I see and what my abilities let me record on canvas might not be appreciated. It was cause for trepidation. All out sheer panic set in when the photos started arriving and they were things I would not normally choose to paint. Animals and glasses and teeth OHMY!!! I had to chalk this up to a learning experience and just do my best. As the month progressed I saw an improvement in my work. I researched painting things I was not familiar with and then realized that they are just shapes, darks and lights...just like everything else I paint. I really like painting glasses now...teeth, well the jury is still out on teeth. And I must say my Facebook and blog friends are very supportive and I was met with many compliments throughout the month.
So, as I conclude this challenge I begin another. The adventure continues....