Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sue ChurchGrant 30 in 30 Challenge Artists

Sue ChurchGrant
6 x 6
Oil on Raymar Panel

I met Sue at Karin Jurick's workshop.  She is a retired pediatrician who now works as a full time artist.  I love her work....which can be seen here.  She paints and posts daily to her blog.  This is her FaceBook profile picture and she was kind enough to let me use it for my 30 in 30 series.  

My mom called me yesterday and said she was worried about me.  Worried about me being hunched over an easel painting so much to complete this challenge!  I told her...first of all I stand to paint so I am upright and second of all I listen to music and often turn around to dance if a song comes on that I like.  So I am not hunched over..I am standing, dancing, painting and having a good time!  Smiling all the way!!!

Break is over!  If I want to keep up with Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge I'd better head back to my easel.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this Maria, and love that your Mom is worried about you!!!! Yes, stand, dance, paint (and come on, sing) and have a wonderful time!!!!! xo


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