Monday, October 7, 2013

You Gonna Share That Gelato?

"You Gonna Share That Gelato?"
12 x 16
Oil on Raymar Panel


This is, of course, from my recent trip to Switzerland/Italy/Germany.  We were in Italy here...where else would you get gelato!  This dog desperately wanted some of the delicious treat but waited patiently until he was allowed to lick the bowl.  I love the look between the anxious understanding.  

The setting was one of the cobblestone stairways...of which there are Italy.  They all look so quaint and foreign to me that I could only think of movie sets and how wonderful it would be to film real life in Italy!

Yesterday my son agreed to sit for me so I could paint from life.  Here is his Steampunk look. He owns the top hat and glasses.  I imagine I will be doing more of these as he has agreed to sit again...and his wife has also relented and will sit for me also.  It is such a good exercise.  This one was done in three 20 minute sessions...then I called it done.  When I do these I am trying to get as reasonable likeness as I can as quickly as I can and not be too knit-picky about it.  I am pretty pleased but will do better next time!

Well, arrivederci!!!  Which means, of course..."till we meet again"!  


  1. You are my inspiration - forcing family to sit! YES! And the gelato eating pup - too sweet!

  2. Both are so much fun to look at. Your son came out great.

  3. You have been having travel adventures! I like your new paintings. Being in a new setting is very inspiring. I hope things are well with you. Hop on over to my blog to see what I've been up to


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