Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yellow Plane - Thank you for a wonderful flight

Yellow Plane
20 x 24
Oil on Canvas

My father flew B52's in the Air Force.  My brother flew jets in the Air Force and now is a pilot for Southwest Airlines.  My son is currently an Air Force pilot flying the CV-22, Osprey.  This plane belongs to a friend of my brother.  The owner generously offered to let my Dad fly with him.  My Dad is now in his 80's...what a treat for him.  

Even though a painting like this is pretty far out of my comfort zone...when my brother asked me to paint this for his friend as a thank you I didn't hesitate.  I am pleased to say it was well received ;).  

My comfort zone is getting bigger.  


  1. This is a great painting Maria. I love the colours of the aircraft and how you have captured the movement of the propeller. Your subtle colour choice for the background sets it off beautifully. What a lovely treat for your father too. I showed this to my husband because he is a private pilot and he also thinks it is fab!

  2. This is one of my favorite paintings! Probably because of the back story, but the detail in it is amazing. Portraits are your pleasure and talent, but this is fantastic.

  3. Maria you totally astound me. I'm sure should you wish to sell prints this would be a winner. It seems to be a mark of that era that all little boys wanted to be in the air force. It's all my father thought about when growing up. He made fabulous carvings of all the famous planes of the day from scratch. These hung from his bedroom ceiling, which must have been quite a sight. These were sadly lost in moving.

    My father never made it into pilot training because he had a lazy eye, but we spent hours together at the end of the local runway, with a thermos of tea, watching the planes. He knew the history of each one, designers, engineers the lot. He had a change of career in his 50s and ended up in airport security where he was in 7th heaven.

    Thank you for bringing back fond memories.

  4. Beautiful color! I love the vivid yellow and red against the real but subtle greens in the background. As always, your attention to compositional details like the whirling of the propellor are spot on. Excellent job!!

  5. This is wonderful! Love the colors and how you painted the propellers movement! It's a good idea to move out of the comfort zone every so often. This was definitely a success for you!! Love it!

  6. Amazing details on the plane, Maria. So colorful and beautiful!

  7. Maria! One would never know you didn't grow up drawing airplanes! You did a great job with it and the first thing I noticed was your depiction of the whirling propellers! I see everyone else did too!


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