Sunday, July 29, 2012

Daddy's Helper - A trip to the beach

Daddy's Helper
8 x 16
Oil on Raymar Panel

Could this painting pull at my heartstrings any more?  This is my son getting a helping hand from his son on the way to the beach.  The wheelbarrow served as a cart for towels, paraphernalia and my grandson when he got tired!  

We spent a week at the beach with the whole family, two sons, two daughter in laws and one grandson along with my husband and myself.  It was a fabulous time.  My grandson loves the water and was absolutely fearless running towards the waves.  So fun to find the wonder and magic of the ocean through his eyes.  Everything was fresh and new.  Memories I treasure.  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Barefoot Ballerina

Barefoot Ballerina
16 x 20
Oil on Raymar Panel

I do love my little ballerinas!  As I was painting this piece I took pictures to show my process.  scroll down to see those...I think it is fun to see how the piece changes as I progress.  They may look like minor changes but to me they are humongous!

Speaking of humongous....when I completed the piece I noticed how large this little girls eyes are...I thought maybe I was channeling my inner Margaret Keene, who painted those large eyed kids in the 70's...but this little girls eyes really are huge!  She is so beautiful!  

Here is my initial sketch.  I have been trying to sketch every night and it is paying off...I only had to reposition her once to get her where I want her on the canvas.  

I have a large easel and working with panels used to prove to be a challenge...BUT not since I got my award winning Alter Easel from Karin Jurick.  It holds my smaller panels securely and you can see I am using it here!  I just love it!  I also have the table top version.  

Commercial is over....on with the show...

Here I have blocked in the colors and I want to make sure I like where everything is.  The colors let me really see what I am doing.  The leg placement and angle bother me...

Here I am refining more, checking the features on the face and the placement of the legs.  I am not happy with the legs so I scooted the knee towards the center of her body so she looks cozier.  I exaggerated the angle of the arm that is down and snuggled it into her body more to give her a huggable look.  I wanted her nestled into the side of the canvas.

A few years ago, repositioning anything on the canvas would fill me with fear and trepidation.  While watching one of Susan Carlin's online demo's she mentioned that a leg was too far down on her canvas.  She simply swiped across bottom and added a bit to the top and within a few seconds the positioning was perfect!  Such an elementary solution to what I would have thought was a drastic change.  So, taking a page from Susan's book, I moved things around pretty effortlessly.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Child's Play - Fun and Games

"Child's Play"
12 x 24
Oil on Canvas

Remember when you would get together with your best friend and play...laugh and giggle at the silliest things?
I am sure I heard laughter and giggles while I painted this.  It was probably me remembering good times playing childhood games with friends.  
It is still that way today...laughing and playing with my best friends...though the games don’t involve playing “bicycle” much any more.  

Now the Challenge...I DO love challenges...send me a picture of yourself doing something wild and free that you used to love to do as a child.  Play hopscotch, jump rope, hide and seek...think of what used to make you very happy and just do it!  I will post the pictures on my blog.

I don't talk the talk without walking the walk so here I am ... with my trusty hula hoop!  I had my first hula hoop in California in the 50's...yikes!!!  I still love to play and it reminds me of carefree days in the California sunshine...

BTW...this is one that will NOT be reproduced on canvas!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Before and After - Tale of a DO OVER

24 x 36
Oil on Canvas - DO OVER

I have been cleaning things out and trying to decide what to do with some paintings I did eons ago.  What do I do with paintings that are no longer worthy!?!  They get a do-over!    Above is the completed Do over...below is the before. The piece was much darker...the figures in the distance are not proportional or realistic and the line where the building meets the sidewalk is much too severe.  Brightening up this  piece was the key...then I added detail and worked to get the distance to look distant.

This was so much fun!  How often in life do we wish we could have a DO OVER!    

Before Do Over

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where I live

Where I live
12 x 12
Oil on Raymar Panel

I belong to a group of artists called the "Hilton Head Gang"  We all met while taking Karin Jurick's workshop on Hilton Head island.  Every month we have a challenge.  This month's task is to paint where we live.  I thought long and hard before choosing this scene.  It is not EXACTLY where I live...but it is close...there are a few differences.  My house is not white..and maybe not as large...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Who doesn't like a hug???

Bear Hug
oil on Raymar panel
9 x 12

Who doesn't like a hug???  And a hug from a favorite teddy bear has to be the best!  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Easy Rider

Easy Rider
9 x 12
Oil on Raymar Panel

This scene reminded me so much of my childhood...though I do not remember being pulled on my tricycle.  Back in the day it was strictly pedal power to get where I was going.  Oh, how I wish I had a fabulous pink tricycle...but, alas, I usually got my brother's hand-me-downs so my vehicles were pretty generic.  Nevertheless, I truly enjoyed my carefree "Easy Riding" days.