Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Enforcer

"The Enforcer"
6 x 6
Oil on Raymar panel

My husband calls me "The Enforcer" I don't really know why ;).

A self-portrait seemed to be the perfect solution for an upcoming project.  It allowed me to work on a portrait...which is my first love...and play with sunglasses which turned out to be lot of fun.  


  1. Nice work Maria. Really nice skin tones and I like the way you painted the sunglasses. "The enforcer"? I like it, lol

  2. Love it! Perfect expression and you did a great job on the sunglasses. It looks like those were fun to do.

  3. Very nice! But..... I can tell you have a sweet face by looking at you with your grand child. I guess we all have an enforcer face we need to use from time to time.
    Love the painting you did of your Dad. Beautiful tribute.

  4. VERY nice, Maria .... excuse me, ENFORCER! Glasses are a challenge and you did a great job with them and I like your hair,

  5. You'll notice the first way you paint SELF portraits you end up looking angry (need to read Breakfast With Buddha)... I was in a class once and the teacher said that most people end up painting themselves looking like they just caught their 16 year old coming in a 2 a.m.! :) Maybe THAT's why your husband thinks you look like 'The Enforcer...'
    Wonderful job, BTW

  6. What a great self portrait! And yes I love the sunglasses too!!!


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