Thursday, May 24, 2012

He's Got the Whole World In His Hands

"He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"
16 x 20
Oil on Raymar Panel

I love painting smiles...I am the product of a military family.  Brats we are called.  Military brats.  It is a unusual community and only another brat knows what my path has been like and I understand theirs.  I know what it is like to be apart from my family...I know what it is like to count the days until you are together again...I know how joyous homecoming is.  I know how precious family is.  When I saw this reunion of a military member returning from deployment it touched my heart.  
Painting it was a joy...knowing I put a smile one someone’s face makes me happy.  So here I am...painting smiles again.  


  1. Love the painting and the post! Oh my gosh- you can just feel the emotion and that they do feel that the soldier finally has his whole world back in his arms....poignantly done!!

  2. this is awesome Maria, it brought tears to my eyes!!!!

  3. It is wonderful Maria. Such a touching scene.

  4. awesome.
    I am also a former Army brat. My father and my brother both served in the Army. One in WWII, Pacific Theatre and Korea, the other in Desert Storm.
    God love and protect our soldiers.

  5. from the father of the one in your painting who is "holding his whole world" in his hands......thank you!

    You have a special gift.....thank you for sharing

    1. Thanks so much for your service. I love the moving. I was thrilled that I was allowed to paint it. I will be sending it out in the next couple of weeks.

  6. Love this painting, Maria. Beautiful work!

  7. What a perfect painting for Memorial Day. May we all remember and pray for our soldiers every other day as well. Beautiful work Maria!

  8. Wow, this is so powerful!

  9. Very touching. I love this, especially for today!

  10. Beautiful, and so touching. A man in uniform with his kids gets me every time.


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