China Doll
Oil on Linen
24 x 36
Recently I was fortunate to be able to travel to Japan to visit Carrie Roets Waller a dear friend that does magnificent water color paintings rich in colors that reflect her impressions of her travels. My traveling buddy Debra Kierce joined me on this venture and we enjoyed all the art, sighseeing and shopping we could fit into our short visit. Debra is also an amazing arrists who specializes in painting miniature works...some as small as or smaller than a business card.
During my time in Japan I purchased as many kimonos and obis along with other interesting props and costumes as I could afford! I mailed home boxes of treasures. It was just like Christmas to get home and open all the great finds.
This kimono, worn by my great niece Ellen, was one of the many Kimonos I purchased...along with the precious little doll she is holding. She is a marvelous model and I look forward to painting her again.