The Hat
11 x 14
Oil on Raymar panel
I painted this one just for the hat. I love that hat. I love hats anyway and this one had such personality that I just had to paint it. I took dozens of pictures of it and this one showed it off the best.
This is the last day of the Leslie Saeta 30 in 30 series and I leave for a trip tomorrow so I am done. I still have plenty of source photos from the ISB Reunion and I am sure I will revisit them from time to time so be on the lookout for friends and classmates from time to time.
In Other news I am heading down to Charleston, South Carolina tomorrow for a few days. I will be one of the four featured artists in a show titled "4 Shades of Red". I am joined by three incredible artists Helen Beacham, Carrie Roets Waller and Debra Keirce. The show will be on display for the month of October with a reception on October 3rd from 5 till 8 at the Lowcountry artists Gallery, 148 E. Bay Street, Historic Charleston, SC. If you are in the area please stop by!