Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miss Sweetieheart

Miss Sweetieheart
6 x 6
Oil on Raymar Panel

All this talk of Randy Higbee's 6 x 6 small works show inspired me to try a few 6 x 6 pieces.  I didn't enter this one but I loved painting it!  I have been painting larger pieces...but it was fun to go small for a bit.  The subject of this painting is one of my now famous grand nieces (Vivi) and her very much loved stuffed animal, Miss Sweetieheart.  

The results of the Randy Higbee submissions will be revealed tomorrow and I am sure Facebook will be all abuzz with congratulations and high five's for well-deserved acceptances.  The show is always a rousing success and sales are traditionally very high.  I am looking forward to seeing who will be represented.  

This past weekend I was able to gather two of my son's friends and my daughter in law for a fabulous photo shoot!  The girls played dress up with lots of tulle, corsets, top hats, and lots of other accessories and I snapped about a thousand pictures!  I tried to study shadows, angles, positions…giving thought to composition…hopefully paintings will spring from my brush with all this inspiration!  


  1. She looks so sweet and sensitive...I love those colors too! I will be waiting for the others to spring from your brush:)

  2. A very sweet portrait, Maria. I love how she's holding her Sweetieheart.. and her little grin ...perfect.!!

  3. I saw your painting on Leslie Saeta's blog. Really touching ! Congrat on your fine work!


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