Monday, May 7, 2012

David Shevlino Workshop at Easton School and Studio in Maryland

Last weekend I attended a David Shevlino workshop at the Easton School and Studio in Easton, Maryland.  The workshop was fabulous and David is masterful with his paintbrush. 

The first day David began with a still life demo.  He roughly outlines the piece and then blocks in the colors, refining, and adding color as he goes.  He uses strong, bold brush strokes and seems not to waste a single stroke.  It was like , whoosh, woosh, woosh...and he had completed a beautiful painting.  

Then the class tackled the same still life while David walked around and assisted, encouraged, and gave sage advice to each of us.  He was very careful to spend time with each student and spoke of his techniques and stressed values and color choices.  Values, Values, Values was the theme!  Needless to say I shall begin doing some value studies in the near future!

The second day was much like the first except we used a model.  Same format...same amazing painting demo from David and same amazing result.  Values, Values, Values!

The third day we spent the day working on two new in the morning and one in the afternoon while David walked around and generously assisted us.  His unassuming demeanor and quiet tone are very soothing to listen to. 

David is, as I said so confident and sure of his strokes that he is a joy to watch and able to articluate his technique in a way that was easy to understand.  Make no mistake...I have a long way to go, but I feel my artwork will improve having attended this workshop.  


  1. Nice to hear about your time in this workshop. His work is very nice. I'll try to remember, VALUES, VALUES, VALUES... Good for all of us to remember.

  2. Thanks for that review. Looks like a great workshop and it sounds like you enjoyed it. I love his work. Values, Values, Values. It's going to be my chant.

  3. As you know I really admire David's work. I want to attend a workshop one day, hopefully sometime in the near future.

    I've been doing some value studies and am finding they are very helpful. I think it is always good to return to the basics once in a while.

    I wish you would post your paintings from the workshop. :-)

  4. I really enjoyed reading about your workshop! I actually bought a couple of his videos a few months ago. I'll never get to go to one of his workshops ( living in Australia ) but watching his videos is a real treat. You were so lucky!!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. I enjoyed reading about your workshop too, Maria! Thanks for sharing this with us! :)

  6. I don' t know how I missed this post, but he is one of my favorite painters! Thanks so much for the recap and description... Like Linda he is on my Bucket List... I'd like to see your pieces, too....

  7. thanks for posting, this looks fabulous! I better keep a look out for one of his workshops!


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